Rickmer Clasen Rickmers

Second Generation

Peter Rickmers (1838-1902)
Third Generation

Paul Henry Rickmers (1873-1946)
Fourth Generation

Bertram Rickmers (1917-1971)
Fifth Generation

Erck Rickmers
A family history in financing
Bringing people together to realise common goals – this was an objective close to the heart of Rickmer Clasen Rickmers. The businessman settled in the young harbour town of Bremerhaven over 175 years ago. Since it was founded in 1992 Nordcapital has incorporated the entrepreneurial spirit and heritage of the Rickmers, whose business activities go right the way back to 1834.
Rickmer Clasen Rickmers (1807–1886) came from the island of Heligoland. By establishing a small shipbuilding business in Bremerhaven in 1834 he laid the foundations for a global company. He made a name for himself as a maritime service provider in shipbuilding, shipping, ship financing and finally also with an import business and the processing of rice and grain.
As well as financing newbuildings he invested in many property developments in the Elbe/Weser region, contributing to the realisation of a hospital, the Bremerhaven town theatre and a floating dock for a local shipyard. But it was not only Rickmer Clasen Rickmers who extended the role of a financial service provider well beyond the financing of new ships. To this day his heirs are dedicated to bringing people together to realise common goals.
Just as with Rickmers’ first shipowning partnership in 1834, the collaborative relationship between investors and Nordcapital is still our main priority today when it comes to structuring closed-end funds.
Shipowning partnership: a precursor of the closed-end fund
Inspired by the idea of spreading a major investment across many shoulders, a number of partners joined forces in 1834 under the leadership of Rickmer Clasen Rickmers in order to finance the joint construction of a ship. In exchange for their financial investment each received a pro rata interest in the ship. This made them part of a co-ownership structure in which each one was a shipowner and business partner, with all the rights and obligations this entailed. The collective endeavour, joint realisation of a project and sharing of profits is still the essence of a closed-end fund. As a modern financing company Nordcapital perpetuates this heritage.